An Engineer's Life

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

So, why have I stayed? I like a challenge, I love my profession, and yes the pay is very good. If I find something comparable, then I'll leave.

Well some history...

July of last year, management asked me if I would take on the role as Assistant Engineering Manager and eventually take over the department from the current engineering mgr who was dying of cancer.

Under the promise of change and support from management, my ego got the best of me and I agreed.

Honeymoon is now over...

After six months of digging (strip mining) for information about how and what my responsiblities were, I realized that I was being fed a load of BS and management really wanted just another yes man who would be responsible for what went wrong but no authority to do any thing about it. I have never in my carear experienced the complete lack of professionalism as I have experienced at this place.